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15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell

Where to find Starfield 15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell, and everything there is to know about 15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell.

15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell
Item Types Ammunition
Mass 0
Value 35

15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell description

This ammo is used by weapons such as the Breach and Brute Force and Experiment A-7 and Pacifier and Rapidshot and Riot Shotgun

15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell overview

The Starfield 15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell is one of many Starfield items found in the Settled Systems. Classed as Ammunition, a single 15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell has a mass of 0 and a credit value of 35.

The 15×25 CLL Shotgun Shell is a quest item which features in the following quests: