The Price of Destiny
Where to find Starfield The Price of Destiny, and everything there is to know about The Price of Destiny.
Item Types | Notes |
Item Code | 00028F12 |
Mass | 0.5 |
Value | 590 |
When the ink dried – Napoleon indeed got the funds he desperately needed, but a dark chapter of American history started. The Louisiana Purchase would open most of the North American continent to rampant unchecked expansion as brutal as anything that took place in the Colonial Era. What would in time be called The Price of Destiny description
Manifest Destiny,
was for centuries looked as a positive movement. It was spreading the virtues of democracy and capitalism to vast new territories. But for all too many indigenous Americans it was at best forced relocation and all too often a death sentence. But this willful blindness to the cost of Manifest Destiny would take over a century to be fully acknowledged. One might argues it still is glossed over to this day in too many circles. St. Louis, dubbed the Gateway to the West, so venerated the concept they built a monument to it in the mid-20th century.
[This is an excerpt from Lillian de Bois’s critical review of the rise of America as a Super Power.]
The Starfield The Price of Destiny is one of many Starfield items found in the Settled Systems. Classed as Notes, a single The Price of Destiny has a mass of 0.5 and a credit value of 590.The Price of Destiny overview
If you want to add The Price of Destiny to your inventory, open the Starfield console command window and enter the following: player.additem 00028F12 If you want more than one The Price of Destiny, add the quantity you require (eg. 3) after the item_id. Eg: player.additem 00028F12 100The Price of Destiny console command