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Weekly Chores

Where to find Starfield Weekly Chores, and everything there is to know about Weekly Chores.

Weekly Chores
Item Types Notes
Item Code 01174386
Mass 0.0
Value 0

Weekly Chores description

Weekly Chores:

Grooming / check for parasites
Milking (daily)
Inventory supplies, place re-orders as needed
Scrub living quarters, bathroom, clean up surfaces
Check groat water supply, clean/refill as needed
Check pen for weeds, other unwanted plants
Check fence integrity

Weekly Chores overview

The Starfield Weekly Chores is one of many Starfield items found in the Settled Systems. Classed as Notes, a single Weekly Chores has a mass of 0.0 and a credit value of 0.

Weekly Chores console command

If you want to add Weekly Chores to your inventory, open the Starfield console command window and enter the following:

player.additem 01174386

If you want more than one Weekly Chores, add the quantity you require (eg. 3) after the item_id.

Eg: player.additem 01174386 100