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Dragonstar Force Vol 20

Where to find Starfield Dragonstar Force Vol 20, and everything there is to know about Dragonstar Force Vol 20.

Dragonstar Force Vol 20
Item Types Notes
Item Code 0023E91F
Mass 0.3
Value 100

Dragonstar Force Vol 20 description

A battle for space and time! Montelvaughn returns with grave news. The shards of the Ultra Dragonstar have played havoc with time and space. After explaining that the Galactic Triumvirate was merely a figment of reality, the Dragonstar Force questions what is real and what is not. In order to save the future, they must piece together the past and unravel the fabric of reality itself! But in doing so, they may negate some of their past heroic actions. Will it be worth it, to once again save all they hold dear?

Dragonstar Force Vol 20 overview

The Starfield Dragonstar Force Vol 20 is one of many Starfield items found in the Settled Systems. Classed as Notes, a single Dragonstar Force Vol 20 has a mass of 0.3 and a credit value of 100.

Dragonstar Force Vol 20 console command

If you want to add Dragonstar Force Vol 20 to your inventory, open the Starfield console command window and enter the following:

player.additem 0023E91F

If you want more than one Dragonstar Force Vol 20, add the quantity you require (eg. 3) after the item_id.

Eg: player.additem 0023E91F 100