Starfield systems
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The Settled System is a vast tract of space of celestial entities. Starfield systems host all of the planets and moons you’ll be visiting throughout your adventure.
You’ll need to use your ship’s gravity drive to warp from system to system, but choose wisely. Each system has an associated recommended player level, meaning you could warp into a level 20 system and be facing level 20 enemies from the beginning if you don’t pay enough attention.
Every Starfield system:
Numerous systems will be subject to the rules and laws of numerous Starfield factions, so be careful about building up a system bounty if you want to land on any of the major planets.
Starfield system mechanics
Each system in the game consists of a central star which is orbited by at least one planet. If a system has only one planet, it will not be a gas giant, asteroid, or any other form of non-playable planetary body.
Incredibly, the planets and moons do in fact orbit the central star, as does, in a roundabout way, your Starfield ship. According to the Creation Club files, there are numerous values which simulate the expected physics of a star system. What this means is that a system’s layout will change over time, which is easily measured if you use the wait or sleep mechanic for any extended length of time.