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StorMax 30 Cargo Hold

The StorMax 30 Cargo Hold is one of many Starfield cargo modules that can expand your ship’s total storage space.

StorMax 30 Cargo Hold
Module Types Cargo Hold
Manufacturers Dogstar
Cargo Capacity 210
Mass 44
Value 750

StorMax 30 Cargo Hold overview

The StorMax 30 Cargo Hold is one of many Cargo Hold Starfield ship components that you can equip to any of your Starfield ships. Manufactured by Dogstar, the StorMax 30 Cargo Hold has a base value of 750 credits.

StorMax 30 Cargo Hold stats

As a Cargo Hold module, the StorMax 30 Cargo Hold allows you to expand your total cargo capacity so you can carry more resources and items.

The StorMax 30 Cargo Hold has the following base stats:

  • Mass: 44
  • Hull: 5
  • Cargo: 210