The Starfield Hopetown location can be found on the planet Polvo, and is home to HopeTech and its unique ship components.
Hopetown is a very small Starfield city with only one small weapons shop, a bar, and a Freestar Ranger outpost nearby. Hopetown is located on the planet Polvo, in the Valo system. The main bulk of Hopetown is dedicated to the HopeTech company factory and headquarters. It is here that you will find the Ship Services – Hopetown technician, who specializes in HopeTech-brand ship components. While Hopetown isn’t the largest Starfield location, it can still be difficult to find anything without a quest marker. Fortunately, we’ve built a fully interactive Hopetown map to help you find everything from NPCs, to specific locations, and even items. Struggling to find the Valo system? Check out our Starfield star map.
Notable NPCs
Within HopeTown, you can potentially encounter these Starfield NPCs:
HopeTown missions
Any number of locations in Starfield can provide you with quests, radiant missions, and Mission Board terminals from which to accept additional tasks.
Here are all the confirmed missions you can begin at HopeTown:
HopeTown items and loot
You can potentially find the following items and loot at HopeTown:
No weapons have been confirmed at this location.
No armor pieces have been confirmed at this location.
No consumables have been confirmed at this location.
No additional items have been confirmed at this location.