If you want to warp further, taking the Starfield Astrodynamics skill will help you get more mileage from your Grav Drive.

Skill Categories | Science |
Tier | 1 |
Item Code | 002C5560 |
While we haven’t seen this skill in action, the Astrodynamics skill almost certainly gives fuel and jump distance buffs to your ship’s gravity drive. Making it very useful to those with the Spaced trait.
Starfield Astrodynamics skill overview
The Starfield Astrodynamics skill is a tier 1 skill in the Science skill tree. It, as with all Starfield skills, has 4 ranks, beginning at rank 1 and ending at rank 4. In order to progress up the Astrodynamics skill tree, you will need to complete various skill challenges related to the skill in question, and increase your Starfield level to earn skill points. Each rank requires a skill point to unlock.
This skill allows you to travel greater distances by increasing your grav drive range and reducing fuel costs from grav jumping. Rank 1 increases your grav drive range, while rank 2 will decrease your fuel costs. The final rank will decrease your fuel cost from grav jumping by 50%. As you will be grav jumping frequently throughout your playthrough it may be a good idea to invest in this skill to reduce fuel costs and save time in the long run.
In-game Astrodynamics skill description
Advanced technology is one thing, but it takes skill, patience, and a little bit of love to coax even more capability out of a ship’s grav drive.
The Astrodynamics skill has the following ranks and stats:
Rank Rank Image Rank Effect Rank Challenge 1 Increase grav jump range of jump drives by 15%. Make 5 grav jumps. 2 Reduced fuel costs of jump drives by 15%. Make 15 grav jumps. 3 Increased grav jump range and reduced fuel costs of jump drives by 30%. Make 30 grav jumps. 4 Reduced fuel costs of jump drives by 50%. You have mastered this skill.
How to unlock Astrodynamics console command
If you want to add the Astrodynamics Starfield skill to your character without increasing your Starfield level or expending a skill point, simply open the Starfield console command window with the apostrophe (‘) or tilde (~) key and enter the following command:
player.addperk 002C5560
By repeating the player.addperk 002C5560 command, you can bypass the Astrodynamics rank-up challenge and unlock the next rank. Entering the above command four times will unlock the rank 4 Astrodynamics skill.
To remove the Astrodynamics skill, you can use the following command:
player.removeperk 002C5560