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Ion Beam H-1010 reactor

The Starfield Ion Beam H-1010 reactor delivers a ton of power to your Starfield ship, but at a hefty credits cost.

Ion Beam H-1010 reactor
Module Types Reactor
Manufacturers XIANG
Power 16
Mass 52
Value 78000

The Starfield Ion Beam H-1010 reactor is one of the B-class reactors used to power your spaceship. Manufactured by XIANG, the H-1010 reactor costs 78000 credits and requires the Starship Design skill to install.

Starfield Ion Beam H-1010 reactor key info:

  • Class: B
  • Power Generated: 16
  • Crew rating: 2
  • Reactor Health: 52
  • Repair rate: 2
  • Health: 31
  • Mass: 52

Requiring two crew members to man it, the H-1010 reactor will provide you with more than enough power for several weapons, but certainly comes in at a higher credits cost than other ship components.