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Starfield Aurora

An illegal substance throughout the Settled Systems, Aurora is a Starfield drug you'll see a lot of in the city of Neon.

Starfield Aurora

A prolific and psychotropic drug, Aurora is a strictly controlled substance produced from the local fish species which have psychotropic qualities.

Screenshot of the Starfield Aurora fish.

The Aurora drug is produced and distributed by the Xenofresh Corporation in the city of Neon.

Starfield Aurora effects

Consuming Aurora provides the following benefits:

  • Currently unknown

Consuming Aurora incurs the following penalties:

  • Screen distortion effect

Starfield Aurora locations

Starfield’s Aurora narcotic can be bought, stolen, and found in the following locations:

Starfield Aurora trivia

Aurora was the first Starfield drug to be revealed in a trailer, however the first details were revealed in the ESRB rating of May 2023.