Submit your questions now for the exclusive Starfield developer Q&A
A Constellation Discord exclusive interview will go live next week, and there’s still time for you to submit your Starfield questions.

In the run-up to the Starfield release date, many are wondering if Bethesda will release any additional trailers, interviews, or a Starfield developer Q&A. Fortunately, we can confirm that a new Starfield interview has been announced for next week, and you can still submit your Starfield questions for Bethesda’s consideration. Here’s where you can watch this Starfield Q&A, and how you can submit your questions.
The Starfield Constellation Discord exclusive interview is set for August 16, 2023, at 1pm ET.
Starfield’s Lead Quest Designer Will Shen, and Design Director Emil Pagliarulo will be fielding questions submitted to them before August 11 on the official Starfield Constellation Discord channel.
If you aren’t already a member of the official Discord channel, you can sign up as a Constellation member by going to the official website.
But be quick! You only have a short window of time before you can no longer submit your Starfield questions.
Previous Starfield interviews have covered a wide range of topics, such as how procedural generation is handled with regards to generating Starfield planets and missions. Interviews have also confirmed whether Starfield vehicles will be in the game, and whether space-fishing is a thing or not. There is still a lot we don’t know about Starfield’s game mechanics, so there’s plenty you can submit to Bethesda on Discord. Just make sure to sign up and ask your questions before August 11, and head over to the official Starfield Discord channel on August 16.
If you’re not sure what to ask, check out our fully updated Starfield skills, weapons, and NPC databases for inspiration. You can also follow Starfield Db on Google News so you never miss the latest Starfield update.
Even if you don’t have any questions to ask, make sure you sign up to the Constellation Discord channel so you don’t miss the exclusive Starfield developer Q&A.