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Sam Coe

Sam Coe used to be a member of the Freestar Collective, but has since left his cowboy days behind him and joined the Constellation faction.

Sam Coe
Summary Sam Coe is the ex-cowboy of the Constellation faction, and a recruitable, romanceable NPC.
Companion No
Crew Member No
Location Akila City

Sam Coe overview

Starfield’s Sam Coe is one of several Starfield NPCs you can encounter during your exploration of the Settled Systems. Sam Coe is affiliated with no specific faction.

Constellation’s Sam Coe is an ex-space cowboy able to join your crew or follow you on your adventures as a companion. Sam is a skilled pilot, and a quick-draw combatant, perfect for a Wild West styled crew.

In addition, Sam Coe is one of the four Starfield romance options, so make sure to build up your affinity with Sam if you’re looking for love. Ensuring you treat Sam’s daughter Cora Coe with respect will help build a strong relationship with Sam.

How to romance Sam Coe

Before you set your heart on romancing Sam Coe, you’ll need to recruit him as a Starfield companion by completing The Old Neighborhood mission, and starting The Empty Nest quest.

The Empty Nest quest isn’t particularly long, but it will give you some keen insights into Sam’s character, including what he likes and doesn’t like. Sam places a lot of important on justice, charity, and in looking after his daughter, Cora Coe.

A really easy way to raise Sam’s affinity is to take him along with you as you complete the Freestar Collective questline, and offer to help out any NPCs you can (so long as the NPCs you help aren’t villainous characters).

Once your affinity is high enough, you will unlock [Flirt] dialog options which will eventually lead to the Matters of the Hart mission. Complete the quest, and you will unlock the commitment romance options for Sam. Should you select the commitment option, you will begin the quest: Commitment: Sam which will allow you to marry him.

Sam Coe skills

By recruiting Sam Coe as a member of your Starfield crew or as a Starfield companion, you can benefit from their inherent skills. These skills can enhance everything from your weapons, your ships, and even your outposts, so choose carefully which NPCs you add to your crew.

Sam Coe provides the following skills:

Screenshot from the Starfield Direct showcase displaying Sam Coe and his skills.

Sam Coe locations

You can find Sam Coe in one of the following locations:

Sam Coe ships

You can get the following Starfield ships from Sam Coe: