Starfield Snow Globes
If you're trying to track down all the Starfield Snow Globes to put them on display in the Frontier, our guide has your back.

There are plenty of things to keep your eyes open for as you scour the Settled Systems, including Starfield Snow Globes. These quaint decorations are reminders of mankind’s expeditions into space, with models depicting some of our first forays into the great beyond. So, join us as we set out to collect them all and bring a touch of class by proudly putting them on display somewhere fitting in the Frontier.
Starfield snowglobes are just one of the many mechanics Bethesda has carried over into its latest game from Fallout 4, as well as legendary weapon effects, legendary armor effects, unique weapons, and unique armor. Or, if you’re still trying to make sense of things at the beginning of your journey, check out our Starfield beginner tips to get off to a solid start.
What are Starfield Snow Globes?
There are 14 Starfield Snow Globes, which are special in-game collectibles you can find littered across Earth, Luna, and Mars in secret locations that delve deeper into the history of mankind and space travel. It seems that they tell the story of NASA‘s first voyage into space all the way through until more recent developments before the beginning of the main quest.
We say it seems that way, as we’re still tracking down all the individual Snow Globes littered throughout the many planets and systems. We also still don’t know what you get for a full collection of Starfield Snow Globes, but as soon as we do we’ll be back to update this guide.
Where do I find all the Starfield Snow Globes?
We’re still tracking down all the Starfield Snow Globes, but for those we have found, you can check out what they are and where to find them below.
- Apollo Snow Globe – Before finding this one, you first need to read Sir Livingstone’s Second Journal in Matteo’s room at The Lodge In New Atlantis. Then, you can find Apollo Snow Globe at the new Apollo 11 landmark landing spot on Luna, Earth’s moon in the Sol system. Find the remnants of the Apollo, and boost up on top of the thing to grab the Snow Globe.
- Cairo Snow Globe – You can find the book that triggers the Cairo landmark by browsing the inventory of Sinclair’s Books in Akila City. Simply purchase The Ancient Civilization of Egypt book, and you’ll trigger the quest.
- Dubai Snow Globe – Journey to The Siren of the Stars ship in orbit above Aranae IV and look for a book titled Race to the Heavens inside Dumbrosky’s private room. This will trigger the Dubai landmark landing spot on Earth.
- Hong Kong Snow Globe – Travel to New Homestead and locate the NPC named Maurice. Nearby, you’ll find their diary – Maurice Lyons’ Journal – which will begin the mission to find the Hong Kong snow globe.
- London Snow Globe – Before you pick up this entry on our list of Starfield Snow Globes, you need to find and read a copy of Oliver Twist somewhere in the game or from Sinclair’s Books in Akila City. Once you’ve read Oliver Twist, you can find a new London Landmark on Earth. Once in London, head to the base of the Shard – one of the few buildings left on Earth, and search through the rock piles to find the London Snow Globe.
- Los Angeles Snow Globe – This one is one of the easiest snow globes to trigger. Travel to Hopetown and go to Ron Hope‘s office (top floor of the HopeTech Headquarters) and pick up the Hope Family Tree document.
- NASA 1 Snow Globe
- NASA 2 Snow Globe
- NASA 3 Snow Globe
- New York Snow Globe – If you pursue the United Colonies questline, you’ll eventually find yourself in President Alexandra Abello’s office, where you can collect the document “Our Lost Heritage” from her desk. This will trigger the New York landmark marker.
- Opportunity Snow Globe – When you travel to NASA Launch Facility during the main quest, you can find a plaque entitled the “MER Program Rover Model Plaque” which will trigger the Mars Opportunity Rover landmark on Mars.
- Osaka Snow Globe – If you’ve joined the Crimson Fleet, you can find the Diary of Kyosuke Nagata in Delgado‘s private quarters.
- Shanghai Snow Globe – Board the ECS Constant above Porrima II and make your way to the classroom area. Here, you’ll find the document “Essentials of Modern Macroeconomics” on a shelf. Reading the book will trigger the Shanghai marker on Earth.
- St Louis Snow Globe – On the top floor of the Astral Lounge, in the farthest room (hug the left-hand wall after exiting the elevator), you’ll find Benjamin Bayu‘s private penthouse. Here, you’ll find a book called “The Price of Destiny” which will trigger the landmark.
Starfield snow globe reward
Finding all 14 Starfield snow globes will trigger an in-game message that reads:
“You have seen sights on Earth, the Moon, and Mars that no one has seen collectively for over a hundred years. It has inspired you to make a Spacesuit to commemorate your extensive exploration.”
You will then receive a unique spacesuit, helmet and pack:
These Starfield armor pieces will spawn automatically in your inventory, and will scale to your player level, meaning you can get an Advanced Old Earth Spacesuit rather than the base model.