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New Atlantis

Starfield’s New Atlantis is Bethesda’s biggest-ever city and the home of Constellation, but there’s much more to this galactic hub of humanity.

New Atlantis
Location Types City
Planet Jemison
System Alpha Centauri
Summary The capital city of Jemison and home of Constellation, New Atlantis is a thriving city that looks to the future of humanity.

The capital city of the planet Jemison in the Alpha Centauri system, and one the most powerful factions, New Atlantis is where the United Colonies plans its political and military operations. The Constellation HQ can also be found here, as well as members such as Sarah Morgan, Barrett, Cora Coe, and more, suggesting that New Atlantis will feature heavily in the opening hours of the Starfield campaign and that you’re set for multiple return trips.

Given that it’s home to several major factions, New Atlantis was always going to be a prominent Starfield location. Thanks to game director Todd Howard, though, we now know that New Atlantis is the biggest city in Starfield, and “the biggest we’ve ever built. It’s kind of the capital of the game”. Still, until you float down to the surface aboard the Frontier, it isn’t clear just what is in store in this capital city.

Fortunately, we’ve built a fully interactive New Atlantis map to help you find everything from NPCs, to specific locations, and even items.

New Atlantis locations

Here are all the locations within New Atlantis:

New Atlantis NPCs

Here are all the NPCs you can find within New Atlantis:

New Atlantis overview

Like all other Starfield locations, fully exploring New Atlantis for items, NPCs, and missions is recommended. New Atlantis is a City found on Jemison, in the Alpha Centauri system.

The Constellation, Constellation, Constellation, Constellation, Freestar Collective, House Va’ruun, Sanctum Universum, Trackers Alliance, United Colonies and United Colonies faction maintain a presence at this location.

New Atlantis missions

Any number of locations in Starfield can provide you with quests, radiant missions, and Mission Board terminals from which to accept additional tasks.

Here are all the confirmed missions you can begin at New Atlantis:

New Atlantis items and loot

You can potentially find the following items and loot at New Atlantis:

No armor pieces have been confirmed at this location.

No consumables have been confirmed at this location.

New Atlantis trivia

  • New Atlantis is the largest city Bethesda has built prior to Starfield.
  • New Atlantis featured heavily in the “Supra Et Ultra” Starfield anime short.
  • This location has its own transport system, the New Atlantis Transit, or NAT – New Atlantis Transit for short.
  • New Atlantis presumably has some relationship with the legend of the underwater city of Atlantis, though the link isn’t clear just yet.
  • New Atlantis features different races and creeds from throughout the Settled Systems.
  • In a YouTube segment on New Atlantis, Bethesda describes the city and Jemison as a whole as “a true reflection of the future of our world.”
  • New Atlantis appears to also be a corporate hub, with tall buildings with business names on the side such as ‘Galbank’ and more.  It also appears to be the home of the Settled Systems News Network, Starfield’s equivalent to CNN, though it isn’t clear if you can tune in while playing.
  • New Atlantis features a prominent memorial to the fallen in a certain area, though it isn’t clear what the tragedy this memorial is in aid of was.